Boise Zine Distro & Library


The Boise Zine Distro accepts ALL types of zines: poetry, political, personal, food, DIY, band reviews, etc. We do not accept any zines that demonstrate homophobia, sexism, racism, classism, xenophobia, or any other forms of oppression.

Please email a pdf of all submissions to with your name, a description of your zine, and if you would prefer to print & mail your zines yourself when ordered or have me print & mail them myself as needed. If you would prefer to send a hard copy instead of a pdf, shoot me an email.

The distro is a not-for-profit organization -- all funds go to printing, not profit. If you allow your zines to be distributed, I will either print them myself for distribution as needed, or if you would prefer, I will send you an order and you may print & mail the zine yourself and be compensated 100% of the purchase price via paypal or cash. You may not sell your zine for more than the approximate printing cost.